Meaning of LEADER

The Escartons and Waldesian Valleys LAG operates within the framework of the LEADER approach, i.e., a local development methodology adopted at European level, which is based on the expressed needs of the local population and the characteristics of the territory, supporting the players on the ground in generating sustainable development by enhancing the territory’s endogenous potential.

LEADER stands for ‘Liason Entre Action de Developement de l’Economie Rurale’, i.e. Linking Rural Economy Development Actions. This approach has become a conventional tool of rural development policy and focuses on the creation of networks between actors in the area. LEADER provides for the implementation of a community-led local development strategy (LDS), i.e. drawn up through the animation of the territory and the enhancement and promotion of the experiences of the local community.

The establishment of a Local Action Group, in the form of a public-private partnership composed of local players working for the enhancement of the territory (local authorities, professional organisations, associations and consortia), therefore represents a solid starting point, shared at Community level.

Why is it so important?
The LEADER approach will continue to be a necessary element of EU-funded rural development programmes

As a matter of fact, the Rural Development Strategy (RDS) of the Piedmont Region promotes the integrated and sustainable development of rural territories through the implementation of the so-called PSLs (Local Development Strategies) presented by the Local Action Groups, leaving it up to the local partnership to indicate on which sectors and which interventions to base the development strategy.

For more information: :
Piedmont Region
National Rural Network
European Network for Rural Development
Forum Leader
Assopiemonte LEADER

The Local Development Strategy

The Leader Community Initiative programme is developed through the drafting and implementation of Local Development Strategy (LDSs) by LAGs.

The LDS is a plan, set within the framework of European and regional programming, which is implemented by focusing on innovation and the enhancement of local resources. It starts with an analysis of territorial needs, aiming to requalify and develop an area, and establishes clear objectives, methods of intervention, management, monitoring and evaluation.

The aim of the LDS is precisely to foster the development of local partnerships between communities, players, and projects. In this way, it is possible to activate processes of animation, training and entrepreneurial development that enhance the area’s resources and stimulate local integrated planning.

E.V.V.A.I. (Escartons Valli Valdesi Azioni Intelligenti) Escartons and Waldesian Valleys Intelligent Actions – Tourism, altruism, high sustainable networks

The project conceived by the Escartons and Waldesian Valleys LAG for the 2014-2020 programming period is entitled ‘E.V.V.A.I. Escartons e Valli Valdesi Azioni Intelligenti – Turismi, altruismi, alte reti sostenibili’ (E.V.V.A.I. Escartons and Waldesian Valleys Intelligent Actions – Tourism, altruism, high sustainable networks).

The aim is to enhance the attractiveness of the area for those who live there, focusing on innovation and the promotion of local resources from a tourist perspective, supporting the interaction between the tourist industry, local communities, and travellers.

In accordance with the thematic areas and objectives identified in the LDS, the local community thus takes a central role and becomes a protagonist in the sustainable and responsible tourism development of its territory.

Download the LDG abstrac
Download the full text of the LDG