Promoting Mountain Products

What are ‘mountain products’ and how are they promoted?
The “Promoting Mountain Products” project was initiated thanks to joint actions by the partner LAGs, implemented with the aim of federating the actors in the agri-food and tourism sectors and fostering the emergence of new promotion models in the cross-border territory.
With a focus on the exchange of knowledge and proposals on sheep and cattle breeding and related typical product chains, the project promotes the use of the optional denomination of “mountain product” as an added value in communicating to the public also at cross-border level and a production that pays more attention to the specificity of the territory.
Strengthening the identity of mountain products is therefore a long journey, the key stages of which have been the sharing of the specific development problems of mountain ecosystems, the knowledge of existing promotion models, the creation of new communication and dissemination projects and the strengthening of cross-border connections.
Project partners
Lead partner: Maurienne Local Action Group – Programme Leader Maurienne Circuits Courts Alimentaires
Partner: Escartons and Waldesian Valleys Local Action Group
LAG actions
Study on the promotion of mountain products
Data collection and analysis of information on the opportunities that the optional denomination “Mountain Product” offers and could offer at cross-border level. The work focuses on the current situation and potential economic models to be adopted for the specific promotion of mountain products.

Final event
With a view to returning the project’s results, our LAG is responsible for organising the project’s final event in the area, in coordination with the Maurienne LAG.

The implementation and monitoring of joint actions represent two key actions of the project. Everything goes from the study of cross-border opportunities on economic models for the specific promotion of mountain products.