The “Heart of the Alps”
Follow the Heart of the Alps project

An example of cross-border cooperation that takes the territory to heart
The integrated territorial plan (PiTer) “Heart of the Alps” covers a vast cross-border territory with the aim of creating the conditions for the area of the Upper Valleys to become a “smart destination” (ref. European Parliament Resolution 2014/2241 of 29/10/15), making an already accessible territory also attractive to new residents, tourists and productive activities.
A territory that unites the neighbouring alpine valleys of Pays de Maurienne, Briançonnais, Guillestrois Queyras, Pays des Ecrins in France, Susa Valley, Sangone Valley and the Pinerolese area in Italy.
The plan is based on four themes: entrepreneurial innovation dedicated to mountain tourism, resilience understood as the prevention of natural risks, sustainable mobility and social inclusion.
A project has been developed for each theme, three of which are followed by our LAG.
Innovative Heart
Resilient Heart
Dynamic Heart
Heart of Solidarity
Project partners
Plan coordinator: Syndacat Pays de Maurienne
French partners: Syndacat Pays de Maurienne, Communauté de Communes du Briançonnais, Communauté de Communes du Pays des Ecrins, Communauté de Communes Porte de Maurienne, Communauté des Communes Maurienne Galibier
Italian partners: Town of Pinerolo, CNA-Turin, Escartons and Waldesian Valleys LAG, Turin Metropolitan City, UnionCoop Torino and entities operating in the areas geographically included in the Unioni Montane Comuni Olimpici Via Lattea (Mountain Unions of Olympic Municipalities Milky Way), Upper Susa Valley, Susa Valley, Sangone Valley, Chisone and Germanasca Valleys, Pinerolo and Pellice Valley.
The Heart Map
The map of the heart hosts all the interventions carried out by the Escartons and Waldesian Valleys LAG within the Heart Map projects and video interviews with innovative enterprises in the area. Discover the voices of the territory’s protagonists by consulting the map!