From EU to YOU
How can young people contribute to the development of their rural areas?
The FromEUtoYOU project was established through the collaboration between GAL EVV and the Alt Urgell-Cerdanya LAG from Catalonia. Its aim is to organize a theoretical-practical training course to professionalize young generations on the opportunities offered by the EU at local and rural level, with the intention of providing new and concrete job opportunities to counter the depopulation of our territories and develop skills functional to a generative residency.
The activities of this project will follow a simulated path of definition and implementation of a LAG local development strategy, from animation to the publication of calls for funding. The young people selected will be protagonists in this process, with the aim of being future local EU ambassadors in rural areas. During the process, which will include international exchanges between participants from the partner territories, local stakeholders and beneficiary enterprises will be directly involved, also as possible locations for future traineeships.
Project partners
Alt Urgell-Cerdanya LAG and GAL Escartons e Valli Valdesi
LAG actions
Workshops on LEADER local development opportunities in the LAGs
Ten young people will carry out workshops on-line and in the two project areas, supported and supervised by LAG staff and stakeholders to develop a potential Local Development Strategy and prepare possible calls for proposals.
Transnational meetings
Two joint workshops, one in Italy and one in Spain, will allow the two groups to discuss the issues to be addressed and the results obtained.