
Light pollution map

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Why is light pollution a problem that needs to be addressed?

Light pollution and excessive artificial lighting cause damage not only to human well-being but, above all, to ecosystems and biodiversity.

This is the focus of the DarkerSky4CE (Darker Sky for Central Europe) project, which allows the LAG to continue working on the topic of dark skies after STARLIGHT.

DarkerSky4CE , funded by Interreg Central Europe, in addition to raising awareness of the problem of light pollution by providing evidence and tools, aims in fact to generate a positive attitude leading to new solutions to preserve ecosystems and biodiversity, underlining that dark skies can be a competitive resource for the sustainable development of non-urbanised areas.

Project partners

National Institute of Astrophysics (Italy), Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship (Poland), South Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency (Hungary), Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig (Germany) Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Austria), Regional Development Agency of Northern Primorska L.t.d. Nova Gorica (Slovenia), Escartons and Waldesian Valleys LAG (Italy)

LAG actions

New tools to check the impact of light pollution on ecosystems

In this stage, a series of studies and instruments will be carried out to measure light pollution and its impacts on ecosystems.

New tools to check the impact of light pollution on ecosystems

Credits: Emanuele Balboni

A new transnational strategy to enhance dark skies

The project partnership will develop a strategy to foster sustainable local development through the reduction of light pollution also through astrotourism. The LAG will participate in the construction of the strategy.

A new transnational strategy to enhance dark skies

Credits: Emanuele Balboni

Pilot Actions to Increase Dark Skies in Central Europe

One of the 5 pilot actions will be developed on the LAG territory. Our pilot action will focus on a new method of dialogue for stakeholders with different, potentially conflicting goals (preservation of nature parks vs. illumination of tourist attractions) in order to decrease light pollution in the upper Val Chisone.

Pilot Actions to Increase Dark Skies in Central Europe